Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Nature and significance of finance
Multiple Choice
1. Which is not a function of management of the following
   (a) planning
   (b) staffing
   (c) cooperating
   (d) controlling
2 . management is 
   (a) an art
   (b) a science
   (c) both art and science
   (d) neither
Ans:both art and science

3 . the following is not an objective of management
   (a) earning profits
   (b) growth of the organisation 
   (c) providing employment
   (d) policy making
Ans:earning profits
4 . policy formulation is the function of
   (a) top level managers
   (b) middle level managers
   (c) operational management
   (d) all of the above
Ans:top level managers


Q1. Which of the following is not an element of delegation.
a) Accountability.
b) authority.
c) responsibility.
d)informal organization.

Q2. A network of social relationship that arises spontaneously due to interaction at worth is called.
a) formal organization
b) informal organization
c) decentralization
d) delegation.

Q3. A tall  structure has a
a) narrow span of management
b) wide span of management.
c) no span of management.
d) less level of management.

Q4. Which of the following does not follow the scalar chain?
a) functional structure.
b) divisional structure
c) formal organization.
d) Informal organization.

Q5. Grouping of activities on the basis function function is a part of
a) decentralized organization.
b) functional organization.
c) divisional organization.
d) centralized organization.

Q6.  centralization refers to .              
a) retention of decision making authority.
b) dispersal of decision making authority.
c) creating division as profit center.
d) opening new center of braches.

Q7. Span of management refers to
a) no. of mangers
b) length of term for which a manger is appointed.
c). no. of subordinate under a superior.
d) no. of members in top management.

Q8. The  form of organization non for giving rise to rumors is called.
A) centralized organization.
b) informal organization.
c) decentralized organization.
D) formal organization.

Q9. Grouping of activities on the basis product lines is a part of .
a) delegated organization.
b) divisional organization.
c) functional organization.
d) autonomous organization.

Q10. For delegation to be effective it is essential that responsibility  be accompanied with necessary.
a) authority.
B) man power.
c) incentives.
d). promotion..
1.     The communication network in which all subordinates under a supervisor communicate through supervisor only is:
Ans:- a. Single Chain,                       b. Inverted V,
          c. Wheel,                                  d. Free flow
2.     The software company promoted by Narayan Murthy is:
Ans:- a. Wipro,                                b. Infosys,
          c. Satyam,                              d. HCL

3.     The highest level need Hierarchy of Abraham Maslow:
Ans:- a. Safety need,                          b. Belongingness,
        c. Self Actulisation need,          d. Prestige need.

4.     The process of converting the message into communication symbols is known as:
Ans:- a. Media,                                b. Encoding,
         c. Feedback,                         d. Decoding.

5.     Status comes under the following type of barriers:
Ans:- a. Semantic barrier,                          b. Organisational barrier,
          c. Non-semantic barrier,                  d. Psychological barrier.

6.     Grapevine is:
Ans:- a. Formal communicatin,        b. Barrier to comunication,
          c. Lateral communication,       d. Informal communication.

7.     Which of the following is not an element of communication process?
Ans:- a. Motivation,                          b. communication,
          c. Delegation                            d. Supervision

8.     Which of the following is financial incentive?
Ans:- a. Promotion,                          b. Stock incentive,
          c. Job security,                            d. Employee participation.

9.     The motivation theory which classifies needs in hierarchical order is developed by:
Ans:- a. Fred Luthans,                          b. Scott,
        c. Abraham Maslow                     d. Peter F. Drucker.

10.                        Which one of the following is not an element of communication process?
Ans:- a.Decoding ,                          b. communication,
        c. Channel,                            d. Receiver.
Key to Answer:-1.b, 2.b, 3.c, 4.b, 5.b, 6.b, 7.b, 8.b, 9.c, 10.b .

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